Saturday 26 September 2020


The media talent production line has been rolling for a very long time. And this will continue, way past the digital disruptions era. It can either churn out conformists or reformists, trail blazers or tail-enders, timid or a tenacious crop of journalists. But, a good media manager should know how to elevate all newsroom talent, regardless of whether they are unknown or renowned.

You see, the success of any broadcasting outlet involves a lot of teamwork: from the on air talent, to the editorial personnel, and from the other unseen frontline workers, to the back end support staff.

The career paths in the newsroom might be different, but there should be a similar, if not the same attention accorded to growth aspirations, across all levels.

Also importantly, there should be regular job satisfaction appraisals, in tandem with reviews of performance indicators.

Remuneration disparities do present a major challenge, but the damage can be greatly undone, if there are equal opportunity principles at play, and fair practices at work.

Drivers of divided loyalties are a great disservice in any newsroom, since there should be a common destination for all...and fidelity should be to the job demands...not certain job-holders.

And, not every effort to advance professionally, equals to a threat to perceived privileged positions, titles or entitlements.

To media managers, be the hand that cheerfully uplifts personal ambitions, and divine providence will be your professional portion.

As for you media talent...go...go...go! Setbacks are temporary, but forever trying is your trusted backup.

(To everyone in this business, watch your back! Backstabbing is real).