Thursday, 9 July 2015


Television is a visual medium. The audience can be glued to their seat, if the content is gripping. The uninteresting broadcast can make mouths to yawn and fingers itch and reach for the remote. And due to delivery pressures, a TV presenter can be on the hot seat. But if she's on the edge of her seat, either she's tense or the audience is missing the suspense.

You see, a lot can be going on behind the scene, that the audience is not aware of.

But the 'scene behind' the presenter's seat, in the above studio set, has got this particular member of the audience spell bound.

Research that mainly features regular checks on this morning show, has revealed that sections of the screen left seat, unusually remained disconnected from the 'usual occupier'.

In what can suffice as the control experiment, it has been observed that another occupier of the same seat manages to fill up the 'scene behind' quite sufficiently.

Furthermore, when the said 'usual occupier' occasionally moves to the screen right seat, there are no neglected sections, in the 'scene behind.'

A number of questions thus arise:

- Just what is it about the screen left seat and the chosen posture of the 'usual occupier'?

- What inspires the 'usual occupier' to constantly assume the edge of the seat approach, when sitting screen left?

- Is it natural? Is it comfortable?

- How is it possible for the 'usual occupier' to exhibit different engagements with the screen left and screen right seats?

- Why my unusual concern with the 'usual occupier' and the screen left seat?

- If actors are told to make use of the whole stage in a theatre production, shouldn't presenters fully occupy the 'scene behind' a seat in a TV production?

- Why?

Well, this member of the audience is always tense...there could be a studio mishap... of the falling type...and the suspense is barely bearable. #Occupythescenebehind

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