Thursday, 26 November 2015


The Kenyan president makes an address to the nation, broadcast live in all major channels, during which changes in his administration are announced. The event ends less than half an hour to prime time news bulletins. Then, newscasts lead with a lengthy recap of the presidential briefing. This double dose of identical information is a cue for the audience to doze off.

Is the news significant? Oh yes, very important. Must it be re-aired in its original format and the content of the presidential address regurgitated on an ' as is where is' basis, so soon after the live broadcast? the land of dead journalistic analysis and media allergies to interpretative value addition on information being conveyed.

But that's not to say you lose focus on the fact that TV is a visual medium.

So having a news presenter on a prolonged solo talking spree makes it hard to distinguish between facts and personal opinion.

It is hard to imagine that within one hour, local channels weren't able to line up analysts or experts to interrogate the Cabinet reshuffle, despite big hints that major changes were in the offing.

And if all fails, even in-house 'editorial authorities' can be roped in to broaden the discussion, as opposed to the tiring studio monologues.

It's important for a news story to be taken forward. And the media can be proactive in seeking to raise and find answers to the 'so what' question.

That 'lazy' newsroom pattern of waiting for reactions a day after, ought to be discarded.

That's why it was so refreshing to see one of the channels airing a Cabinet Secretary nominee's initial thoughts, shortly afterwards.

Those visuals came from Europe...

...And you want the audience to think it's impossible to get a relevant comment from the neighbourhood?

Friday, 20 November 2015


When terrorists strike, human suffering is amplified and individual pain is multiplied. A responsible media helps to confront terror, without unwittingly advancing the terrorists' agenda. This aspect often eludes Kenyan media, in their coverage of terror attacks. Media terrorism should also be condemned.

The siege in a hotel in the Malian capital, was beamed across the world. But the sense of terror being experienced by the hostages was not diluted by the absence of phone calls from the media to some of the victims, a la Westgate.

And as was demonstrated during, and in the aftermath of the terror strikes, in the French capital, loss of lives can be reported, without necessarily showing dead bodies, a la Garissa or Mandera attacks.

Perhaps based on valid reasons, Kenyans and the local media have become distrusting of the government and its security agencies, hence the demands to see bodies of terrorists 'allegedly' killed.

But hardly any doubts or disbelief greeted the announcement that the mastermind of the Paris attacks had been eliminated.

Lack of crucial intelligence, or failure to act on prior warnings, are also not charges being levelled against the French government, like the local media would have easily done.

The international media does have its own shortcomings, in the coverage of terror attacks.

There are frequent accusations of belittling tragedies involving African or less developed countries, and appearing to place more value in the lives of citizens from developed nations.

This perceived discrimination is not helped by 'skewed reports' as depicted below.

Notice the undertones of suspected profiling of hostages, to determine who is to be rescued.

If there's one important lesson to be eternally emphasised, it's that terrorism is a universal threat.

Thursday, 12 November 2015


Proofreading skills are proving to be in a state of neglect in the Kenyan press. The frequency of editorial errors on textual and semantic levels, is far too high. One is tempted to think the draft copy is starved of adequate revision and overfed with false confidence, during sub-editing. All that is required could just be a second glance by the first eye, or a first glance by a second eye.

Such is the nature of some irritating errors. Nothing complex. Just really simple omissions that ruin the reading experience and distort the information being conveyed.

Even in the wildest of imaginations, there's no way the entire European Union can:

"...pledge $3.8 to help curb migration."

Less than 4 American dollars! That headline in the country's leading daily, does not even begin to add up.

But what is more worrying is that the 'Intro' of the story clearly states the amount is in the region of billions.

Undoubtedly, many eyes must have noticed that headline, during the production process, yet hardly any seemed to have taken note of the major anomaly.

The first eye of the headline drafter ought to have spotted something was amiss at first glance, and not miss the error at second glance.

The second eye should have raised a red flag at first glance, or flag it off for correction at second glance.

That is how newspaper sub-editing ought to be alive to eye-opening glances.

Thursday, 5 November 2015


The pattern is familiar. First corruption accusations. Followed by denials and blame games. Then aggrieved politicians and the media keep the graft allegations alive. And the government puts up a defence. Kenyans then get caught up in different quadrants of this vicious cycle. That's why this devoured devolution or devolved devouring will only be ended by the power of the ballot.

We may make all the noise we want, cry for change and pursue the high and mighty in all platforms, peacefully or confrontationally. But ultimately it counts for nothing, if lessons are never learnt about the direct link between the leadership we elect and the fate of our country.

Politicians will come seeking votes, and you bet there will be the mention of the importance of having sufficient numbers of elected party or coalition representatives, for a government to conduct its business effectively.

I just hope Kenyans will now be able to distinguish between effectively and suffocatingly.