Thursday, 5 November 2015


The pattern is familiar. First corruption accusations. Followed by denials and blame games. Then aggrieved politicians and the media keep the graft allegations alive. And the government puts up a defence. Kenyans then get caught up in different quadrants of this vicious cycle. That's why this devoured devolution or devolved devouring will only be ended by the power of the ballot.

We may make all the noise we want, cry for change and pursue the high and mighty in all platforms, peacefully or confrontationally. But ultimately it counts for nothing, if lessons are never learnt about the direct link between the leadership we elect and the fate of our country.

Politicians will come seeking votes, and you bet there will be the mention of the importance of having sufficient numbers of elected party or coalition representatives, for a government to conduct its business effectively.

I just hope Kenyans will now be able to distinguish between effectively and suffocatingly.


  1. Well put Albert. I don't have much faith in the ballot myself as somehow we all adorned tribal regalia on election day. There is almost no need for elections in Kenya as one can always predict the outcome by analysing the surnames on the voters register.

    One day, not soon, Kenya will change. Those descendants of ours who will make this happen will look back in amazement at the kind of a hit they had for ancestors.

    1. Oh...Yes. It does look like it's more practical to have hopes with coming generations, which will be completely detached from the entrenched rot that has been the story of our politics.
