Thursday, 22 February 2018


In broadcast news, key facts can be repeated, even if it is immediately after a story is first aired. There's a high chance the audience can be distracted. Also, listeners or viewers can't revisit the same story on their own. But repeating a story in the same newspaper serves no purpose at all. It could be a case of poor sight or wanting editorial oversight.

Normally, the space in a newspaper is competitively filled up, with articles literally having to earn their place, (adverts can almost dictate their own placing, based on the amount of cash paid).

Many adverts tend to be accommodated, even if it means printing extra pages.

This in turn would mean sourcing for more stories to publish and fill up the extra spaces.

And when it's a slow news day, with hardly enough stories, more light stories, or the appropriately named filler material, usually get published.

But it's quite odd to see the same story being published twice, (and in opposite pages!).

Please bear with me as I repeat:

This could either be a case of poor sight or wanting editorial oversight.

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