Monday, 31 December 2012


It's that time for reflections again. On this platform, the content has been posted at a regular weekly interval. Should this be improved on, in the New Year? Yes. Will this be part of my New Year resolutions? No. The following is a list of the most popular posts of 2012, and the least favourite. 

First, the biggest hits, in descending order:
And now.......drum roll please.....starting with the least likeable.....presenting the 2012 miss-hits or misfits:
I'm most grateful though, to all my readers for the support, criticism and engaging debates. 2013 is another open and exciting invitation to keep the interaction and discussion going. May the New Year bring amazingly good tidings to everyone.

Thursday, 27 December 2012


It's not entirely unusual. But it's a very bold endeavour. That the owner of Kenya's most dominant media enterprise has chosen to be publicly associate with a coalition of political parties, ahead of a General Election, is either tactically brilliant, or brilliantly tactless!

Do spare a thought for staffers of a such a 'compromised' media entity. Try as much as they can to be neutral, their coverage of the country's political developments will be perceived to carry the bias albatross.

But by and large, most of the mainstream media houses in Kenya have been known to editorially lean towards a particular political persuasion, if ever so subtly, or at times even blatantly.

You can't therefore expressly criminalise a Kenyan media outlet for overtly identifying with, sponsoring or even supporting a political party, like in other parts of the world.

In the event that the political side being backed by the said media house emerges victorious in the Kenyan polls, then undeniably, it will be viewed very favourably by the incoming administration that it actually helped to propel to power. Brilliantly tactful on this account.

However, after antagonising those opposed to its chosen political stance and strapping the employees with an identity crisis, borne of disregarding the journalism principle of balanced reporting, it would be brilliantly tactless, if the media house is on the losing side, after the March 2013 elections.

Friday, 21 December 2012


A leading gaming provider sends out a brand awareness campaign centred on the act of killing. The killing of animals or zombies in the virtual world may look harmless. But is it so hard to figure out that such gaming realities can leap into the realm of real life, and leave America reeling from senseless killings of innocent citizens?

This has got to be the most annoying case of a country setting itself up for needless grief. Unbearable torment repeatedly being dished out to families. Enough of the right to bear arms argument. America needs to seriously disarm its breathing killing machines.

And if preservation of life is not a game, how come popular video games are fashioned around making life extinct?

Moreover, the twisted thrill that comes with exterminating virtual enemies, isn't that like target practise? Combine that with the availability of all manner of weapons in the US and you got yourself a 'ticked ' time bomb.

It's almost like a sick game, where everybody from innocent shoppers in a mall to children in a school is viewed as a 'zombie' in the gaming world, to be wiped out for maniacal points?

So then, is the US going to do something to stop the tide of death, whose foot soldiers are deranged people with no semblance of appreciation of the dignity and sanctity of human life? Holding of one's breath at this point is greatly discouraged.

Thursday, 13 December 2012


It's shocking. But very indicative of the misinformation informing perceptions about voter registration in Kenya. The fingerprints captured by the Biometric Voter Registration kits, it's wrongly feared, will be used to pursue criminals. This is one of the reasons feeding voter apathy sentiments.

Others include misconceptions that the BVR kits could lead to infertility or cancer-related ailments. Assurances from the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission seem to be futile in turning this worrying tide.

But analysts would be quick to also point out that the scars of the 2007 bungled General Election have not yet healed, dissuading many potential voters from wanting to actively participate in Kenya's electoral process.

Still, IEBC in my books, could have done a better job of preparing potential voters to the workings of the BVR kits and establishing existing realities and myths, while at it.

It would then have been easier to identify and rectify any untoward beliefs through appropriately designed intervention strategies, (do forgive the NGO parlance).

Without resorting to the initial funding, tendering and procurement hurdles, is there a credible reason as to why there was no community diagnosis or baseline survey done to establish existing perceptions about voter registration?

So now we have a discomforting situation and as usual, a reactionary local media is trying its best to put the issue of voter apathy high up in the daily news agenda.

But again I ask, is there no forward looking media outlet that would have been capable of correctly anticipating the situation the country now finds itself in, as it hurtles towards another national election?

Ooh. I know. It is always juicier to focus on the politicians, right?

Thursday, 6 December 2012


Issue-based politics has got to be one of the most misunderstood or alien concept to Kenyan politicians. Instead of a congruence of national ideals bringing together politicians obliged to sign pre-election coalition pacts, it has boiled down to the painfully familiar politics of personalities.

So forget about the issues being heartedly bandied in political gatherings. Of utmost importance to Kenyan politicians, it appears, is either self-preservation or using the power of tribal-based voter strengths to the disadvantage of the opponent.

Pawns of personal political permutations. This is what the Kenyan electorate has been reduced to. Just sample the reactions below from social media circles.